Tractors and Agricultural Machines Fuel Security Device

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Tractors and Agricultural Machines Fuel Security Devices are produced as a solution to prevent fuel thefts in cities where agricultural is carried out. Depokit eliminates the financial damages of the farmers arising from the fuel thefts by the fuel tank security devices which are produced for tractors, harvesters and all agricultural vehicles.

Fuel thefts caused by the possibility of unsafe areas where agricultural vehicles are parked cause huge financial damages. Fuel tank security systems prevent the intake of fuel with hoses and similar things thanks to the anti-syphon fuel safety block with drainer assembled on the fuel tank entrance. Depokit produces fuel safety devices suitable for all vehicle models used in all agricultural sector. You don't need to think your fuel while using these devices which are preferred by the world.

The security of every point that the fuel passes through is ensured and the risk of fuel theft is completely prevented with Depokit fuel tank security product. All financial damages that the farmers will experience are eliminated. This product provides % 100 protection against fuel thefts.