Fuel Thefts

2023-05-13 09:40:27

What is Diesel Theft?

Diesel theft is the act of stealing diesel from the fuel tanks of vehicles. Diesel is a type of fuel used in vehicles with diesel engines. Diesel thieves often target fuel tanks in commercial vehicles.

In Which Ways Is Diesel Theft Made?

Diesel theft can be carried out in various ways. Here are some common fuel theft methods:

Fuel Tank Penetration: To gain access to vehicles' fuel tanks, thieves can pierce the exterior of the tank and steal diesel. Drills, cutting tools or similar tools can be used for this.

Using a Hose: Thieves can pull diesel by placing a hose in the vehicle's fuel tank. In this method, additional methods such as forcing or cutting can be used to gain access to the tank cap or fuel line

Forcing the Tank Cap: Although vehicles' fuel caps are usually equipped with locking mechanisms, thieves can break these locks or forcibly gain access to the tank cap.

Fuel Hose Cut: Some vehicles may have a fuel hose running from the fuel tank to the engine compartment. Thieves can steal diesel by cutting or removing this hose.

Stealing from Inside the Vehicle: Thieves can break in by opening the fuel tank of the vehicle and steal the diesel directly from the tank. This can often happen in situations where vehicles have weak security systems.

Damages of Diesel Theft

Diesel thefts cause great financial losses to vehicle owners and businesses. Generally, losses in diesel thefts from commercial (heavy vehicles) vehicles are greater due to the size of the fuel tank. In addition to financial loss, it also poses a risk to the life safety of vehicle users. In addition, it is known that the personnel working within the enterprise are also involved in diesel misuse cases. The suspicion of diesel theft by the personnel also causes distrust towards the personnel in the enterprises. Therefore, it causes businesses to fall into unsafe operational activities and adversely affect their operational efficiency.